Up to 8 hours pain relief. Long-lasting with a comfortable fit for targeted pain relief.
Use on clean, dry skin. Tear open plastic packet, remove protective film from patch. Patch will activate in 60 seconds and remain warm for up to 8 hours. Apply patch to the affected area, adhesive side onto the skin. To remove, slowly peel off the patch. For delicate or ageing skin, apply adhesive side of patch to clothing. On flexible joints use dressing tape to hold the patch in place. Do not bandage over the patch.
SINGLE USE ONLY, This product is air activated – only open when ready to use. Do not attempt to reheat in oven or microwave. Do not cut, massage, fold or wet the patch. Do not use if patch is damaged or torn.
Store below 30°C.
For external use only. Keep out of reach of children. Not suitable for children 10 years and under. Do not use on individuals that cannot remove the patch themselves. Do not use over medication applied to the skin. Do not use in conjunction with additional heat sources. Do not use whilst sleeping. Do not use with prolonged pressure against the patch. Do not use on skin that is sensitive, irritated or broken including abrasions. Do not use more than one patch on the same area within 24 hours. Do not ingest as the ingredients can be harmful. Do not attempt to reheat in oven or microwave. Do not cut, massage, fold or wet the patch. Do not use if patch is damaged or torn. Do not use if you are allergic to: Plaster adhesives
If symptoms persist or if irritation or excessive heat occurs, stop use and consult your health professional. If pregnant, always check new symptoms (or if symptoms persist) consult your health professional. If diabetic, poor circulation or skin conditions or if your pain or injury is severe, consult your health professional before use.
Sprains, strains and soft tissue injuries are best treated by RICED regimen for the first 48 hours
Rest: No further exercise for at least 48 hours
Ice:apply ice e.g frozen peas for 20minutes every 2 hours for the first 48 hours. Wrap in towel to prevent ice burn
Compression: Apply crepe bandage that extends above and below the area to help limit bleeding and swelling
Elevation:Raise injury above the heart to help fluid drain away from the injury and limit swelling
Diagnosis: consult GP or physio for Dx, ongoing care +treatment, A full recovery is more likely.
-Avoid HARMful activities (Heat, Alcohol, Running, Massage) for 480-72 hours after sprain/strain
-Supports e.g shoes with good ankle support, tape for ankle strapping and knee braces are important once activity is resumed
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