Provides temporary relief of pain associated with sprains, strains, arthritis, rheumatism, lower back pain and fibrositis.
Gently smooth a small quantity of Metsal™ Cream into the skin 2-3 times a day. The cream quickly penetrates to provide rapid relief from pain. Vigorous rubbing is not required.
SPORT: Maybe used before, during and after sport as required.
Each gram contains:
Methyl Salicylate 283mg (28.3%)
Eucalyptus Oil 88mg (8.8%)
Menthol Liquid 38mg (3.8%)
Not to be used on children under 2 years of age.
Keep away from eyes and open wounds or skin abrasions.
Do not use heat lamps, heat pads, hot water bottles or bandages.
If rash or irritation occurs, discontinue use and contact your doctor or pharmacist.
Sprains, strains and soft tissue injuries are best treated by RICED regimen for the first 48 hours
Rest: No further exercise for at least 48 hours
Ice:apply ice e.g frozen peas for 20minutes every 2 hours for the first 48 hours. Wrap in towel to prevent ice burn
Compression: Apply crepe bandage that extends above and below the area to help limit bleeding and swelling
Elevation:Raise injury above the heart to help fluid drain away from the injury and limit swelling
Diagnosis: consult GP or physio for Dx, ongoing care +treatment, A full recovery is more likely.
-Avoid HARMful activities (Heat, Alcohol, Running, Massage) for 480-72 hours after sprain/strain
-Supports e.g shoes with good ankle support, tape for ankle strapping and knee braces are important once activity is resumed
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