Helps maintain a healthy immune system.
Adults – Take one tablet daily with food or as advised by your healthcare professional
Echinacea purpurea extract equivalent to dry root and rhizome2.4 gEchinacea purpurea extract equivalent to flowering top1.5 gEchinacea angustifolia extract equivalent to root100 mg
Use only as directed and always read the label
If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional
Aim for 7-9 hours of high-quality sleep .If we do not receive adequate sleep each night, not only is our mood and cognition compromised, our immune system is too.
Incorporate regular exercise into your routine. Research suggests regular exercise helps to reduce the number infections we face each year, not only because it helps to strengthen our immune system, but it helps to flush toxins from the body too.
Cut Back on Drinking Alcohol. Heavy drinking curbs the immune system. It can make you more likely to get infections as well as complications. Alcohol also dehydrates your body.
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