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Relief of wind and gripe.
Woodward’s Gripe Water is suitable for babies of all races, from those aged one month and above all the way up to toddlers aged two years and above. Shake well before use and store in a cool place. Care should be taken to avoid an excessive dosage for infants:
One to six months – 1 teaspoonful (5ml)
Six months to two years old – 2 teaspoonfuls (10ml)
Two years old and above – 2 to 3 teaspoonfuls (10-15ml)
These doses may be given during or after each feed or up to 4 times in 24 hours.
Ingredients: Each 5ml spoonful contains terpeneless dill seed oil 2.5mg and sodium hydrogen carbonate 52.5mg. Free from alcohol, sugar and colour, and is certified halal.
Do not use this product if there are kidney problems or sensitivity to the preservative E217 and E219. Keep out of the reach of children.
Swaddling babies in a warm blanket and rocking them back and forth may calm fussiness.
Soothing background noises, including calming music or white noise, can help.
A warm bath can have a calming effect.
Make sure your baby is upright during feedings to ease gassiness. If you feed your baby from a bottle, be sure to stop feeding as soon as the bottle is empty, so your baby doesn’t swallow air from their bottle.
Frequent burping may help reduce swallowed air, too. Stop a few times during the feeding and help your child to burp with gentle pats on the back.
Colic symptoms occasionally may be caused by a particular formula. Some babies are more sensitive to formulas containing cow’s milk.
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