Nail Care

Information on nail care

The fungi that causes athlete’s foot and ring worm also can also infect the nails. Fungal nail infections are more common in the elderly and in people with diabetes, and is usually characterised by nail discolouration, brittle nail edge or thickening of the nail, and in severe cases can lead to complete nail destruction. These infections are often difficult to treat and may take a while to improve, however we offer different topical antifungal products that can treat fungal nail infections. Topical antifungals are usually effective against infected areas that are located at the end of the nails opposite or away from the base (or cuticle). Filing of the nails or removal of the infected parts has to be done first before the application of the topical antifungal, as it significantly increases the success rate of the treatment. There is one product however of which filing isn’t necessary before its application. Please see us in-store so we can assess your nail infection, and help you choose which antifungal product is the best for your needs. Depending on the severity of the infection, we may have to refer you to your GP for stronger medications.

Tips to follow to help prevent fungal nail infections:

  • Keep the feet clean and dry.
  • Use adequate protection for the feet when going to public places such as gyms and public pools.
  • Treat athlete’s foot as soon as possible.
  • Nails should be trimmed regularly.
  • Never share personal belongings such as towels, nail clippers and shoes.
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