Conjunctivitis is the most common cause of red eyes. The white of the eyes are red, and this extends down to the inner surface of the eyelids. There is a feeling of itchiness or grittiness on the surface of the eyes. Conjunctivitis is caused by either allergy or infection. Allergic conjunctivitis is usually caused by hayfever and is characterised by having a clear watery discharge in addition to an itchy sensation on the surface of the eye. Antihistamines and anti-allergy eyedrops can be used to ease the symptoms and relieve the itchiness of this condition.
In infective conjunctivitis, the discharge is white (contains pus) in the case of a bacterial infection, and clear and watery in the case of viral infection. These are usually self-limiting, but antibiotic eyedrops can be used for bacterial infections to help shorten the duration of the infection. It is recommended to wash the secretions with cotton soaked in water, and avoid wearing contact lenses. Avoid sharing personal items and ensure proper handwashing to prevent the spread of the infection to other people. Lubricating eye drops can be used to relieve discomfort.
This is a common condition in which the tear glands are not producing enough tears to lubricate the eyes. It can be caused by a health condition (aging, allergies, use of certain medications) or due to increased tear evaporation due to changes in the environment (dry air blowing in your eyes). Lubricating eyedrops or artificial tears can be used as often as necessary to relieve dry eyes. See your doctor if you have persistent dry eyes that hs been going on for a long time.
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