This is a scaly, greasy, crusty rash on the scalp of newborn babies. It is usually caused either by yeast growth or by overactive oil glands. This type of rash usually resolves by the time the baby is one year old, but in the meantime it can be removed by using certain products. First, the scales can be softened by application of baby oil or pawpaw ointment, then leaving it on for a while. Do not use edible oils as this can serve as food for the yeast and can make it worse. Next, wash the baby’s scalp using a gentle baby shampoo and warm water. Finally, using a soft brush, gently brush off the scales and any excess dead skin. Repeat the procedure over the next few days until it disappears.
Another common skin condition in babies is nappy rash. This is a red rash on the groin area (hence the term ‘nappy’), but in some severe cases, the rash may spread up onto the tummy or down the baby’s legs. In these cases, the skin may even blister or form painful cracks.
Mild nappy rash can be caused by constant wetness, such as leaving a wet or soiled nappy on for too long. The wetness and constant rubbing of the nappy irritates the skin. Other causes of irritation include harsh soaps and use of some wet wipes. Thus, it can be prevented by more frequent nappy changes, as well as giving as much nappy-free time as possible. Barrier creams or ointments can be applied liberally after every nappy change to protect the baby’s skin from wetness. Be sure to only use gentle cleansers as well to prevent irritation.
Severe nappy rash is usually caused by yeast infection. The rash appears brighter red, as well as the presence of small spots around the edges of the rash. Topical antifungal creams can be used to treat this condition. Be sure to see your doctor or pharmacist first to assess your baby’s condition before buying and using antifungal creams for your baby’s nappy rash.
Baby teeth start to erupt from your baby’s gums when they are at least six months old. However, in some cases they start earlier or even long after this age. Teething reactions are different for every baby. Some babies undergo teething without any problems. On the other hand, other babies have painful teething, and this is usually accompanied by drooling, irritability, and reddish cheeks. The baby may also become restless, may not sleep or eat well and become fussy with food. The teething process will then stop by age four, because by then all of the baby teeth would have erupted.
There are several things you as a parent can do to help your teething baby. You can give your baby a chilled teething ring to chew on. An oral teething gel can also help relieve your baby’s pain. Be sure to follow the instructions on how to use the teething gel. You can also give your baby oral paracetamol drops for pain and fever relief. It is essential to make sure that you give the correct dose for your baby. Giving more than the required dose is harmful, and could lead to hospitalisation. See one of our pharmacists if you need help in calculating the correct paracetamol dose for your baby.
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